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Discover Connection Blocker

Sometimes, they just need a time-out.

Connection Blocker gives you the power to block Wi-Fi, apps, and websites with just a few taps.

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Put a stop to what you don’t want them to see.

features icon connection-blocker

Block websites

Don’t want them to visit specific websites? Just let eyeZy know and it’ll do its thing.

features icon block-wifi

Block Wi-Fi connections

If you don’t want them connecting to unprotected Wi-Fi or networks you just don’t trust, just say the word.

features icon block-applications

Block apps

Whether you want to limit the games they play or you want to make sure they’re not using a specific dating app, you have the power to stop them with eyeZy.

It’s the Internet they know and love.
But designed by you.

The Internet can feel a little bit like the Wild West. Adult websites accessible to anyone. The power to connect to the Wi-Fi pretty much anywhere. And the ability to use apps that are way too controversial.

Connection Blocker bottom image

Thankfully, eyeZy lets you take back control and limit what they can access. Just make your selections in eyeZy and block what you want. Then unblock them when you’re ready. Easy as that.

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There’s no better way to block apps and sites. Period.

eyeZy’s Connection Blocker opens up a world of possibilities. But it’s just one small part of what makes our parental control app so special. Baked right into eyeZy is a full suite of innovative tools, including Keystroke Capture to show you everything they type and tap, Social Spotlight to let you see what they’re saying on social media, Magic Alerts to let you know where they are as soon as they get there, and so much more.

Other solutions
Friendly Installer
jailbreak icon


icloud-sync icon

iCloud sync

local-sync icon

Local sync over WiFi

Social Networks
facebook icon


instagram icon


whatsapp icon


viber icon


telegram icon


snapchat icon


other icon


Social Spotlight
social-networks icon

Social Networks

screen-recorder icon

Screen Recorder

text-messages icon

Text Messages

deleted-text icon

Deleted Text Messages

emails icon


Phone Analyzer
contacts icon


phone-calls icon

Phone calls

gps-locations icon

GPS Locations

wifi-networks icon

WiFi Networks

Plans Breaker
events icon


notes icon


calendar icon


browsing-history icon

Browsing history

Files Finder
photos icon


video-recordings icon

Video Recordings

saved-pics icon

Saved pics & videos

installed-apps icon

Installed Apps

Web Magnifier
browser-history icon

Browser History

browser-bookmarks icon

Browser Bookmarks

Connection Blocker
block-website icon

Block Website

block-wifi icon

Block WiFi

block-applications icon

Block Applications

Invisible shield
hide-eyezy icon

Hide SecureChildren icon

Magic Alerts
geo-fencing icon


keyword-tracking icon

Keyword tracking

get started image left corner get started image right corner get started image bottom

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